The FSB, Russia's internal security service, keeps a system of internal security numbers for officers, both located in the Russian Federation and abroad, that can identify the individual officer and their rank in the system. But the underlying principle is actually mathematical and based upon a calculated formulation that derives a specific security code for each officer from various input data about him or her.
Here we present a piece of code that will enable you to calculate the registered security number of any FSB officer worldwide for whom you have the requisite detsils. Simply enter their details at the appropriate command lines below and you will receive the officer's internal security number.
The coding is in Fortran-77 (Russian systems are quite outdated) so you will need a mainframe or Fortran emulator (easily found on the internet) to run this code and sufficient knowledge of the programming language to populate the empty fields.
Here is the code, that we obtained from a source that must remain anonymous.
program product_of_primes
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 15000 NoPs
integer :: i, j, count !count will be used to track the PNs
integer, dimension(n) :: prime_array !array to store PNs
integer :: product = 1 !value to store the product of the PNs
count = 0
prime_array = 0
do i = 2, n
if (count >= n) exit
!Check if a number is prime
j = 2
do while ((j**2 <= i) .and. (mod(i, j) .ne. 0))
j = j + 1
end do
!If so, add to array
if (mod(i, j) .ne
program dist_calc
implicit none
Real :: dist !
Real :: G !
Real :: M_ !
Real :: M_ !
Real :: t ! Current time
Print *, 'Please enter the time:'
Read *, t
! The formula for calculating security number
dist = (G*M_sun*M_!)**(1/3) * t**(2/3)
! Print internal security number
Print *, 'num
DO X=1,3
WRITE (*,*) X
implicit none
integer one, two, three, four
one = 5
two = 10
three = 15
four = 20
print *,one
print *,two
print *,three
print *,four
call sum(one,two,three,four)
print *,"meanless code done"
subroutine sum(a,b,c,d)
implicit none
integer a, b, c, d
print *,a+b+c+d
end program
We hope this simple, straightforward code is of use in exposing FSB officers globally and understanding how to replicate their dial-in codes for communications and instructions.