This post is about the role of Hamad Ahmed Al-Haroun, a notorious international forger. He is / was the right hand of Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, with whom he was convicted of forgery by a Geneva court on 10 September 2021.
Date of birth: 30 September 1977
Nationality: State of Kuwait
Residential address: 40B Chagford Street, London NW1 6EB, England
Residency status: Asylum (UK)
Known telephone numbers:
+974 4425 0666
+974 455 7444
Pinterest: @hamad1
Email address:
Intentional arrest warrants: INTERPOL diffusion notice issued by Kuwait (to serve a sentence of 10 years, forgery, after escaping Kuwait using a fake ID); iNTERPOL diffusion notice issued by Qatar (to serve a sentence of 7 years, forgery); INTERPOL diffusion notice issued by Jordan (to face trial for forgery charges). It is not clear which of these INTERPOL notices takes precedence over the others
Also believed to be the subject of a GCC arrest warrant (forgery)
Other sentences outstanding: 30 months (Switzerland), forgery
Education: Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, United States of America; BA, Business Administration
Military experience: Pilot, Kuwaiti Air Force
Professions: Fraudster, Forger
Wife: Princess Nouf Al-Sabah, Kuwaiti Royal Family
Father: Ahmad Rashed Al-Haroun, sometime Minister of Commerce and Industry, State of Kuwait
Club memberships: The Arts Club, London
Bank: Habib Bank, Edgware Road, London
Associated companies: Ettizan Financial & Real Estate Management Company (Qatar); Trekell Group LLC (Delaware); Itzan (Guernsey); KRIC Inc (Belize); Tatweer Infrastructure Company QSPC (Qatar); Unicapita Consultancy Company; Al-Massar Investment Company
Other positions: Senior Marketing and Project Development Manager, Commercial Bank of Qatar; Manager, Retail Banking Department, Doha Bank, Qatar
Associated law firms: Harrison Carter, London; Boutique Law, London; Elena Tsirlina, CDS Mayfair, London; Clive Wolman, Thomas More Chambers, London; Stoyan Baumeyer, Geneva; Samir Djaziri, Djaziri & Nuzzo, Geneva
Reports to: Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah (Kuwaiti Royal Family member)
Professional skills: Expert forger, in particular of financial documents
Warning: This individual poses extreme danger to lawyers and law firms, to which he will invariably present forged documents and will underpay invoices and/or attempt to use client accounts for money laundering. No lawyer of repute should accept a retainer from this person to be their client. The subject is a notorious forger and fraudster
Media organisations: Fintas Group; Mukhtoor
Media articles supporting the above include:
Other information: Applied for Maltese residence / citizenship but was denied